WIFA Grant Request Application
Ideas include:  classroom projects, activities, or fishing tournaments. Grant requests for New Team start-up can be up to $500 and $250 for hosting tournaments(usually prizes) and other events. Events examples should be fishing related and promoting fishing, such as fishing clinics for youth/handicapped/elderly/veterans/etc. or donations to groups that improve fishing habitat or rearing fish. 
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Email *
Name *
School *
Who should the check be made out too?  *
What mailing address to send check?  *
Amount requested (provide an itemized list) *
Is your school WIFA affiliated? *
What is the purpose of this grant request? *
How many people (estimate) will be impacted by this grant? *
Is this project a new endeavor or is it to supplement an existing project? *
If applicable, how long will this project take to complete? *
Do you have an additional source(s) of funding secured for your project? *
Provide a brief, yet detailed written plan for execution of project. *
How will WIFA be advertised by your school/program if this money is granted? *
Will you be willing to present your project at the State Tournament Rules Meeting, WIFA board meeting, WIFA summer summit or other applicable venues? (WI EE conference, WSST Conference, WI Lakes Partnership Conference to name a few) *
I understand any funds not directly used towards my project will be returned to WIFA. *
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